Is my donation tax deductible?
Not at this time. After I graduate, I plan on continuing this site as an official charity whose sole mission will be to provide other mothers with the opportunity to access a college education. At that point Mommy Goes to College will qualify as a 501(c)3 charity and all donations will be tax deductible.
What perctage of the proceeds go toward administrative costs?
Absolutely none. This website is hosted on Blogger, a free blogging service, and there is no overhead associated with the maintence of this site. 100% of proceeds will go towards allowing me to pursue education while contributing to the needs of my family.
What are the possible donation amounts?
There are no specified donation levels-a donation of one penny will be received with a very grateful heart and all donors will be placed on the Fabulous Donor list.
Where exactly will my donation go?
At this time, my tuituion is paid by federal grants and loans. The proceeds from this site will go into mitigating the cost of school incidentals and taking care of my family's needs while I attend college. Examples of anticipated expenditures include text books and school software programs, rent, electric bills, and other similar items. Your donations will alow me to hold off minimum wage employment to pursue an education and build a career that will enable me to provide for my family.
What are you doing to help yourself through college?
Great question. We absolutely believe in the value of hard work. My husband works at what used to be a full time job. In the 6 months since his hours have gotten cut, he has been looking for a second job-full or part time. I have been working online for over a year now. I build websites like this one, and design blogs. I also do freelance writing and work as an independent contractor as quality assurance for a major online company. Unfortunately, my income isn't steady enough and my husband's income is steadily declining. At this point, without your generous donations, I would need to get a full time job to make up the difference. Since I have already enrolled and registered to start school on June 21st, it is my hope that I can continue on that course, leading my family toward a better life.
Not at this time. After I graduate, I plan on continuing this site as an official charity whose sole mission will be to provide other mothers with the opportunity to access a college education. At that point Mommy Goes to College will qualify as a 501(c)3 charity and all donations will be tax deductible.
What perctage of the proceeds go toward administrative costs?
Absolutely none. This website is hosted on Blogger, a free blogging service, and there is no overhead associated with the maintence of this site. 100% of proceeds will go towards allowing me to pursue education while contributing to the needs of my family.
What are the possible donation amounts?
There are no specified donation levels-a donation of one penny will be received with a very grateful heart and all donors will be placed on the Fabulous Donor list.
Where exactly will my donation go?
At this time, my tuituion is paid by federal grants and loans. The proceeds from this site will go into mitigating the cost of school incidentals and taking care of my family's needs while I attend college. Examples of anticipated expenditures include text books and school software programs, rent, electric bills, and other similar items. Your donations will alow me to hold off minimum wage employment to pursue an education and build a career that will enable me to provide for my family.
What are you doing to help yourself through college?
Great question. We absolutely believe in the value of hard work. My husband works at what used to be a full time job. In the 6 months since his hours have gotten cut, he has been looking for a second job-full or part time. I have been working online for over a year now. I build websites like this one, and design blogs. I also do freelance writing and work as an independent contractor as quality assurance for a major online company. Unfortunately, my income isn't steady enough and my husband's income is steadily declining. At this point, without your generous donations, I would need to get a full time job to make up the difference. Since I have already enrolled and registered to start school on June 21st, it is my hope that I can continue on that course, leading my family toward a better life.